BLM- Strong Post Alert

In light of recent events, I wanted to write a post. One with meaning and one with such savage education to back it up that no one could argue. I wanted something that could bring everyone to the same realizations I have had the past couple weeks. I wanted a writing so straight forward that there would be no questioning, no further wandering, no persecution for beliefs and definitely no retaliation. The thing about this, though, is that as far as I can educate myself, so can others. As far as I can believe that I have so much to learn and so many things I CAN’T learn…others can realize this as well! They have to want to know this though. They have to want this education. They have to want to know about their white privilege and learn about other cultures. They have to want to wrap their minds around both recent happenings and ones in the past. They have to want to see the pattern that authority has continually presented. A pattern of racism and inequality. A pattern that is so normalized that depending on where you live and what you see daily, you may not even believe exists. I will not under any circumstances say that it’s “totally fine” if you don’t see it happening and therefor stay quiet. (Though there is a time, place and different ways to contribute to this entire situation) You have fingers to type, a voice to speak, you have resources to educate yourself furthermore than you may have the prior day. I will say, however, that it is tragic. Not even for other cultures, other ethnicities, and other races, but for yourself. It’s tragic that you don’t choose to educate yourself.

I do also, in some aspects, see how there are extremists on both sides of this matter. I, personally, do not agree with violence for violence. However, I do not have a right to tell another human being to not be angry. To not feel for those of their own. It is not my right and it never will be. So I want to say I have the utmost respect for the feelings and the raw emotions that come with this matter. I am not naive enough to think I have enough knowledge and life experience to hardly BEGIN understanding the years and years of oppression. Of Racism. Of cultural discrimination. And I apologize for not even taking the time until recently to understand.

This is all I have to say on this matter for now, as I am still trying to build my own education on this matter.

Until next time,

Positive Vibes. ❤

It Is Well With My Soul

It’s messy. It’s so messy how some sounds echo in your mind sometimes. For me it’s always been chirping birds, the new morning light, watching the day reset itself. It reminds me of times and moments that I can barely remember. Moments so vague in my mind that I can only know the feelings that come with them. There are no faces, or places. No sounds or words. Maybe its the feeling of starting over that makes my gut drop. Maybe it’s knowing the unknown and the process that comes with that.

There are, however, things that are so well with my soul. Like open fields, random 2am text messages, words, writings, objects that still have spirit in the dust that’s settled around it. Its the dirt beneath my shoes when I go hiking. And god forbid the leaves on the trees and the way they constantly change. The layers of green. The sun bathing on my skin. Drowsy mornings when everything is silent and nothing has come into existence yet. These things are well with my soul. These things make me fall in love over and over and over again.

Focus on the things that are well with your soul 🙂

Positive Vibes ❤


A lot of times we think that if we are in pain then something HAS to be wrong. I am also guilty of this, but pain isn’t always wrong. Are there very important lines to this? YES! If you ever feel hopeless then definitely reach out to someone. I, however, will be the last one to ever say that pain is bad. I am guilty of those tear-drowning nights. The ones where your pillow is our best friend and you feel like nothing. It’s pain. I have good news though! Emotional pain is actually a very great sign of growth. I know sometimes it can feel like there will never be an end. It can feel like things will never get better, but try to think of it like this: All great things must outgrow themselves. Even as kids we have growing pains, teeth fall out for new ones to grow in, our hair needs cut to be healthy and bright, we shave our faces or legs in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To stay groomed and up to date. While all of these might not apply to everyone, I think we all get the point here 🙂 growth can be painful, but in the end we always get exactly what we need. So embrace it. Find the good in the pain and learn from the bad. Start somewhere easy and work your way up to where you need to be. It’s scary at first. I know, but try and really get a grasp on your emotions and figure them out. Quit thinking about anyone/anything else. Even if you ever wanted to figure out someone/something else, you’d have to understand yourself first.

That’s it for my late night thoughts!

Positive vibes ❤


Everything we touch started somewhere. Yes I know. How basic of myself to start a post out like this. I understand that the statement is common knowledge. But throughout a lot of my current posts, I use a lot of nature pictures to start my blog posts and solidify my thoughts. I use nature to help connect with my audiences (whoever you may be reading this right now). The reason for this, though, is because I know that we all have connections to nature. Whether you enjoy sitting in the sun and just bathing in the rays until you feel a light burn or you enjoy the sound of waves pushing each other back and forth when you sit by a lake. Maybe you even just enjoy a cup of coffee as the sun comes up and you can hear the birds chirping outside.

– taken by me. 🙂

My posts aren’t meant to go in one ear and out the other, they are meant for people to feel and connect with. I mean that in the same way as when you lay down in grass and you can smell the flowers a foot away from you even with your eyes closed. I mean that in the same way as the dirt on the bottom of your car floor that lets you know you’ve been somewhere recently. Somewhere messy, yet organized enough that you know you gained something from just existing in whatever that moment was. We build ourselves over and over.

Life is messy. Go walk in a park after it has rained for 15 minutes. Theres mud everywhere. There’s bugs and animals trying to adjust to whatever damage or changes that can come from even 15 minutes of a downpour. But nature exists purely on its own. No questions asked. No underlining factors. no explanations needed. And when is the last time you took that time for yourself? When is the last time you just existed. No filters. No questions. Try it. That is the reason most of my pictures will be nature oriented. That is the reason I hope others can connect with my posts. Just keep your eyes open for the possibility even 🙂

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